Help 1 Person Find Work

The LegUp campaign asks people who are in employment to help just one person into work.


With the pandemic set to continue into 2021, and a hard winter ahead, we need to think about others more than ever before. In 2020, if you’re in employment you’re one of the lucky ones.

Now is not the time to rest on our good fortune.


We’re asking people who are in employment to help just one person into work.

It doesn’t matter what your position is in your company, if you’re freelance or work in the non-profit sector, there’s always a way to do your bit. It could be an introduction to someone that has a job role advertised, a Zoom call to discuss what type of jobs someone is looking for, or a just a supportive conversation. You then stick by them to help where you can

Anything makes a difference when you’re out of a job and wondering how you’ll ever find your way back.

All it takes is for everyone to help just one other person into work. One hour of your time could mean a lifetime of work for someone else.